The cold winter months can be rough on your facility’s boiler system. As a result, you might need a Spring boiler tune up in order to have it running efficiently all year long. You don’t want to find out that you’ve been running on low pressure or that your boiler is leaking when it’s too late! Read on to learn why you should schedule your Spring boiler tune-up today.
The Importance of a Spring Boiler Tune Up
A boiler tune-up should be done annually to ensure that it is running efficiently. A tune-up can help you find problems before they get worse and may save you significant time and money. Some of the things that might need to be addressed during your annual tune-up include: faulty wiring, leaky valves, and dirty filters. If any of these issues are left unchecked, it could lead to a major issue down the road.
Why Would I Need a Spring Boiler Tune Up? My Boiler is Working Fine
Below are some reasons why your boiler should receive a Spring tune-up even though it may not present any obvious issues:
- Warmer temperatures cause the air density to change, and less O2 will cause the burners to run fuel rich (not enough air mixed in with the fuel).
- Running fuel rich can cause not only unstable combustion but take the boiler out of emissions compliance, leading to fines.
- Also, running fuel rich is inefficient and therefore not cost effective.
- Scheduling Spring service allows us to tune the boilers in preparation for the warmer weather months, so the boiler runs more efficiently, reliably, and stays in compliance with local air quality emissions requirements.
- Professionals like Bay City Boiler will also take the time to perform a semiannual inspection with functional safety checks while onsite to conduct the Spring tune-up.
What to Expect During a Spring Boiler Tune Up
During your annual tune-up with us, we will be looking over the following:
- System piping for leaks
- Burner flames for appearance changes
- Condition of wiring and switches
- Gaskets on front and rear doors and replace as necessary
- Water levels using low water cutoff devices to make sure they are within manufacturers recommended levels
- Operation and safety controls
- Reset combustion using a combustion analyzer in order to read oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide emissions
Bay City Boiler Can Help
It’s important to work with a professional company like Bay City Boiler that can inspect your boiler and recommend any necessary repairs. By scheduling your Spring boiler tune-up now, you will avoid costly problems down the line!
Don’t let your boiler go another winter without a tune-up! Contact us to schedule your Spring boiler tune-up now.